Sunday, 7 April 2013

Interesting categories

Liquid Soap

HLL launched Liril liquid in mid 90s, with an awesome tvc, where a girl gets into a car wash station, flips open her Liril liquid and takes a refreshing bath. Liril as a brand always took the user away from the bathroom, this tvc was perfect with the brand's image and everyone felt that it was strengthening the core image of the soap as well. Consumers felt the other way around and the product plus the category did not get a green signal.
HLL tried once more with Liril in the early 2000 but didnt get any traction for the brand. Then they tried with Lux liquid again a no no. Colgate Palmolive tried with Palmolive aroma therapy after their miserable run with the Palmolive brand of soaps. While Aroma therapy still exists, the contribution to the overall revenue is still unclear. Meanwhile the category has slowly transformed into "body wash" and the liquid soap now belongs to the handwash category. Now, we have wide range of body wash from all brands Cinthol, Palmolive, Lifebuoy, Lux, Dettol, Vivel, ParkAvenue, Adidas (Indian import) etc.,

Hand wash category needs to say "Thank you" to Swine Flu

Fem was the oldest in this business and is almost lost in the new evolved category of handwash. The key players are Dettol, Lifebuoy, Santoor... A struggling category with a very few players and no growth suddenly received a lot of importance due to Swineflu a new fever that was spreading across the far east countries and India was a potential victim on that. One of the ways to protect was having clean hands, as told by Lifebuoy in their message. There we go, we are witnessing a boom in that category now.

Personally was involved in developing a communication for "Margo Handwash". We did a nice TVC but later the Henkel Global bosses felt that this category doesnt have any potential (!!). Then came the Swineflu!

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