Velvette Shampoos from Chennai set a new agenda on this one rupee sachet concept. Today the sachets have unique place in the market, it is difficult for me to think of a category or product that doesnt come in sachets: coconut oil, biscuits, kellogg's, pain balms, cold creams, after shave, shaving cream, soaps, toothpastes...
However, there were some really good ones that created an impact in the market place due to pack size innovations and pricing.
1. Closeup small pack: Colgate launched its small pack and the user felt it was messy, Closeup introduced a sachet with a nice lid so that the consumers could use it comfortably for 3 - 4 days.
2. Tiger biscuits: Brought in 3 or 4 biscuits in a sachet priced at Rs.2/- a big boon for the tea shops
3. Parachute coconut oil : This is doing well in south, especially in tourist spots and pilgrimage, onetime use pack
4.Shaving cream : Sachets from Gillette was a great one costing around 5 rupees
5.Shaving blade : Gillette Presto a use and throw Shaving stuff at Rs.6
6.Kellogg's : Chocos and Corn flakes and its zillion variants are helping mothers to try out the different tastes with a hope that their children would finally love something
7.Tropicana : Mix it with water and drink costs Rs.10/-
8.Pickles /Jams/ Ketchups :
9. UHT Milk : In small tetra packs with a shelf life of 120 days from brands like Amul, Vijaya, Nandini etc., is opening up a new milk market. This costs around Rs.10 for 200ml.
10.Gems pack : Gems launched this small 3's pack which was a big hit amongst shops around schools. The success of this has made Cadbury concentrate on small packs for Munch pops, dairy milk shots etc.,
11.Butter : Amul has a nice school pack of butter for one time use, as refrigeration is an issue, this still is restricted only to large super markets.
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