Monday, 16 May 2016

WHY DID WE NOT ACHIEVE 100%: TN Elections 2016

To my knowledge, one of the best election campaigns conceived and implemented  across TN. The beauty of this campaign from the Election Commission, conceived by my friends in OPN was, it not only triggered the electorate to think, but it also made a whole lot of corporates, retailers, individuals, media to promote voting. Never ever one who would have seen this kind of promotion :
-         Celebrities doing dubsmash
-         RJ Balaji’s witty Video
-         Pothy’s bags carrying “Vote 100%” branding
-         Aavin Milk packets having “Vote 100%” branding
-         Radio Channels doing their bit
-         Road side promos
-         Prabhu Deva’s big hit song
-         Traffic signal promos
-         Wall Posters by Atikramya architects (perumpulli)
-         Bus backs / Autos
-         Television / Print / Cinema
-         Facebook / Twitter
-         DRA Squarefeet Subbu talking on Vote
-         Akshaya’s vote campaign in TOI
-         And  many more

This is a fantastic communication case study where a lot of brands/ corporates have come together towards one cause : VOTE.

But the surprising part despite of this mammoth effort is we have not performed well as regards to voting, we have more or less achieved the same number as last year. Other states without such communication efforts have performed better. Having been in the business of communication for over 25 years I am sure minus this campaign the percentage would have been far less.
The reasons and solutions for poor voting could be:
1.     Scheduling the poll date on a Monday and announcing it to be a holiday. People have taken that long weekend excuse and flown to different destinations. Next time promote postal ballot.
2.      Summer holidays for children would have triggered a lot of native place holidays. Next time promote postal ballot.
3.     Politicians and the money catch, EC being far too silent and no demonstrable action.
4.     Some districts suffered from a sudden down pour.
5.     Longer queues in city booths people seeing it returned back. Increasing number of polling Stations. Reducing the verification process ( We have a slip, our photo is there, the election officials have a list, they can see our photo and we are standing in front and they still ask us for an identity card is the height of stupidity and time consuming)
6.     The decreasing faith in our democratic system, worrying but true. Reformation in the party’s poll promises and eligibility to contest.

Micro analysis immediately from the Election commission to find out the reason for not voting, a research exercise across the voter list which is easier now could help find reasons. May be election commission could do an SMS research or through Voice response system to people who have not voted and why. This will help in finding out the poor polling percentage across Chennai and the remaining parts of Tamil Nadu.


  1. Good article Subbu! Going forward I think we must have online voting facility!

  2. Nice thoughts. My take is whenever we have a preachy tone of communication it does not push people to change. For eg all of us know smoking is bad but inspite of telling them don't smoke people continue to do so. Likewise all of us know we need to vote. It's a democratic duty etc etc we still don't take the effort. Primarily the reason could be we don't see ourselves connected with the overall electoral process, there is total disconnect with the system, there is total disconnect of the electorate with the party etc etc so unless there is a system where the public at large feels that they are also part of this whole process or system or whatever it is this could be a constant challenge.

  3. Nice article Subbu... your observations on polling period & day are valid points... Yes, election & voting campaigns where really good this year... in spite of it, we fall short by 4% to last state polling...
