Thursday, 1 August 2013

KRD Rice

Packed Curd Rice 

Hatsun launched a very interesting product "Curd Rice" in the market and attempted distributing it across all Arun Ice cream parlour outlets and later on into other retailers. The product was very tasty  as Arun's milk strength was leveraged very well. The product had a good media support with actor "Prakash Raj" endorsing the product named as "KRD rice".
I think product distribution issues and later on manufacturing bottlenecks pulled the product down from the markets. If i could recall specific issues were:

1. Arun Ice cream outlets were closer to colonies and not close to office areas, as the product was targetted at Bachelors / office goers etc., the availability was critical

2. Freshness of the product was questioned as consumers wanted it to have packed that day and hence it couldnt go beyond chennai. However in the rural and semirural, making  a consumer to buy curd rice would have been a bigger challenge.

I dont remember exactly, but i felt there was a pricing issue where in it was charged at Rs.25 per pack.

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